The voice of the working-class and Labour movement in Cambridge
Founded in 1900, the Cambridge University Labour Club (CULC) is the largest and oldest Labour Clubs in the country. Mirroring the evolution of the national party, CULC has gone through many shapes and sizes, beginning as Cambridge University Fabian Society before aligning closer to the Labour Party. In this time it has produced many great Labour members, from Hugh Dalton and Andy Burnham to Sylvia Plath (and almost King Charles 3rd!).
CULC has a long and proud history of campaigning both in the town of Cambridge and in the University among students. In 2011 it backed the campaign to Save the Cambridge Bursary, in 2013 it led a charge to bring back the Education Maintenance Allowance, while recently it has been proud to support striking Unite and UCU Members within the University.
The club hosts a range of social and political events for its members throughout term time. Click the button below to find out more!
What we do

Throughout the term, the club is honoured to host a wide variety of speakers to share their thoughts with our members. In the past, this has included former Prime Ministers like Clement Attlee, past Party leaders like Neil Kinnock and Jeremy Corbyn, journalists like Owen Jones, and prominent Labour politicians like Andy Burnham and Mark Drakeford.

The club holds a wide variety of socials every term. The most popular social is our fortnightly debate event, Pints and Policy, where members meet to debate ideas and relax. On the alternate weeks, the club organizes Lagers with Labour. Beyond this, the club hosts pub quizzes, karaoke nights, a weekly book club, a fortnightly discussion group, formal dinners, and even a prom!

The club is an active campaigning force in the city of Cambridge, broader student life, and British politics overall. We take pride in supporting Labour candidates in Cambridgeshire and beyond, collaborating with local MP Daniel Zeichner. As an affiliated organization of Labour Students, the club will often send students all over the country to advance the Labour cause.