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Upcoming Events

Please find our termcard below


Some of our Regular Events

Pints and Policy

Pints and Policy

Pints and Policy is the club's  principle event during Term. Every other week we meet to discuss three motions. The atmosphere is relaxed and there are drinks, both alcoholic and not available. Whether you wish to speak at these debates or want to come along to spectate, it is a fantastic place to get to sharpen your political minds

Cambridge Reading Club

Craic and Snack

Craic and Snack is the club's fortnightly discussion event, designed to be the alcohol-free, lower pressure alternative to Pints and Policy. 

Lagers with Labour

Lagers with Labour

Lagers with Labour is our informal pub social that happens on alternating weeks to Pints and Policy. Here, members usually congregate at one of the lovely Cambridge pubs for a drink and have light-hearted discussions about topics, whether they be political or not. This is a great opportunity to meet Labour friends ahead of getting more involved in the Club as a whole

©2024 Cambridge University Labour Club

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